Step 1 of 4

Create your Free Account

WERECE Careers is your one source for all early childhood educator careers in WindsorEssex. Create a profile to unlock relevant job postings that match your skills and preferences. Share your resume with service providers and build a successful career in this exciting industry!

Password must have at least one digit, at least one special character and be at least 8 characters long.

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Step 2 of 4

Tell us about yourself

Where do you live?

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Step 3 of 4

Tell us about your work preferences?

Location Preferences

Age Group


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Step 4 of 4

Do you have a resume?

(You can always upload it later)

Word or PDF formats only.

Profile Sharing

Would you like to share your profile with the 163 child care service providers in Windsor-Essex?


Would you like to receive weekly emails with the latest job postings?

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You're almost there!

Before you log in, you must activate your account. An email has been sent to with the activation link. Please check your email and click the link. If you don't see the message, check your Junk Mail folder.

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