
What does decent work look like…

What does decent work look like in Early Childhood Education & Care settings?

What does decent work look like in ECEC settings?

What does decent work look like in ECEC settings?

2 minutes read

Understanding ECEC in Ontario

Decent work is a term coined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to sum up the aspirations of people in their working lives and describe what good work looks like: it’s more than fair wages and benefits – it’s a culture of equity and inclusion at work that ensures everyone’s voice is valued and heard.

When organizations commit to decent work practices, they create quality workplace environments that support individual, family and community well-being. People are well-compensated and given the appropriate resources and supports to do their work, meet their own needs and, in the case of ECEC, the needs of the children.

Decent Work in ECEC

Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario

The AECEO’s Decent Work taskforce developed the Ontario Early Childhood Sector Decent Work Charter using the Four Foundations for Learning from How Does Learning Happen? as a guide. We believe that these four foundations are also aligned with the value of the workforce itself (see next slide for the Charter). Decent work guides all the work we do at the AECEO.

Decent Work Charter

The primary purpose of the Charter is to promote a vision for decent work within organizational cultures in the early childhood sector.

Four Foundations for Decent Work in ECEC

1. Belonging

Recognition of staff as valued professionals.

What does it look like?

Commitment to establishing and maintaining internal and external structures that recognize the critical role of early childhood staff in delivering of quality programs. Staff are part of all decision-making processes that directly affect them and their work. Their ideas and perspectives are heard and valued.

2. Well-being

Professional pay/compensation.

What does it look like?

Staff well-being is prioritized through a commitment to providing professional pay for professional work. Wages keep up with cost of living increases. Compensation is provided for all hours worked and all work-related activities, including planning time, sourcing for program resources and more.

3. Engagement

Professional learning.

What does it look like?

Commitment to supporting early childhood professionals in all aspects of ongoing professional learning. Staff are encouraged to pursue professional development opportunities that are meaningful to them and their practice and given time and resources to do so.

4. Expression

Quality work environments.

What does it look like?

Commitment to promoting safe working conditions and healthy working environments where staff feel safe to speak up about any issues in the workplace without fear of losing their job or retaliation. Policies and accountability measures are in place to protect staff from discrimination and harassment.



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